Before & After
Gum Grafts for recession
Gingival recession of lower anterior teeth. Notice thin poor gum quality.
An allograft (donated) gum graft was placed to correct gum recession on lower anterior teeth.
Gingival recession of lower anterior teeth. Notice thin poor gum quality.
Recession of lower anterior teeth and yellow plaque buildup.
An allograft (donated) gum graft was placed to correct gum recession on lower anterior teeth along with a dental cleaning to remove all the yellow plaque buildup.
Recession of lower anterior teeth and yellow plaque buildup.
Two temporary upper central crowns are placed. Notice that one of the teeth has gum recession and a longer looking crown.
Final crowns cemented. Notice how gingival recession is corrected allowing for symmetrical looking teeth.
Two temporary upper central crowns are placed. Notice that one of the teeth has gum recession and a longer looking crown.
A palatal gum graft is planned to correct recession and to thicken gum quality.
Results 2 weeks after palatal graft known as Free Gingival Graft (or FGG) is placed. Notice the thick protective quality and recession correction of this procedure.
A palatal gum graft is planned to correct recession and to thicken gum quality.
Recession of upper left canine tooth. An allograft (donated) gum graft is planned to correct recession.
An allograft (donated) gum graft was placed to correct gum recession on upper left canine.
Recession of upper left canine tooth. An allograft (donated) gum graft is planned to correct recession.