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What is an Overdenture?

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Implant overdentures are a type of dental prosthesis that combines the support of dental implants with the functionality of removable dentures. This innovative approach to tooth replacement provides a more stable and secure solution compared to traditional dentures, offering numerous benefits for individuals dealing with tooth loss. The fundamental concept of implant overdentures involves the integration of dental implants into the jawbone to serve as anchor points for the denture. Dental implants are small titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone, where they fuse with the bone through a process called osseointegration. This creates a strong and durable foundation for the overdenture, mimicking the natural roots of teeth.

Advantages of an Overdenture

One of the primary advantages of implant overdentures is improved stability. Traditional dentures rely on adhesives or suction to stay in place, which can lead to discomfort and instability during activities such as eating or speaking. Implant overdentures, anchored securely to the dental implants, eliminate the risk of slipping or shifting, providing patients with enhanced confidence and comfort.


Another significant benefit is increased chewing efficiency. With traditional dentures, the lack of a stable foundation can limit the force applied during chewing, impacting the ability to eat certain foods. Implant overdentures, firmly attached to dental implants, restore a more natural biting and chewing function, allowing individuals to enjoy a wider variety of foods and maintain a well-balanced diet.


In addition to functional improvements, implant overdentures contribute to better oral health. Dental implants help preserve the jawbone by stimulating bone growth through osseointegration. This prevents the bone resorption that commonly occurs after tooth loss, maintaining the structural integrity of the jaw and preventing changes in facial appearance. Moreover, implant overdentures do not rely on adjacent natural teeth for support, preserving the health and integrity of existing teeth.


Patients often experience enhanced speech with implant overdentures. Traditional dentures may lead to speech difficulties due to movement or instability. The secure attachment of implant overdentures ensures better articulation and pronunciation, allowing individuals to communicate more confidently and naturally.


Implant overdentures also offer psychological benefits by addressing the emotional impact of tooth loss. The stability and natural feel of implant-supported dentures contribute to increased self-esteem and a sense of normalcy, helping individuals regain their social confidence and overall quality of life.


The maintenance of implant overdentures is relatively straightforward. The removable nature of the prosthesis allows for easy cleaning, and regular oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, remain important. Additionally, routine check-ups with the dentist ensure the health of both the implant-supported denture and the underlying implants.


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While implant overdentures may involve a higher initial investment compared to traditional dentures, many patients find the long-term benefits well worth the cost. The durability, stability, and improved functionality contribute to a higher quality of life for individuals dealing with tooth loss, making implant overdentures a valuable and increasingly popular solution in modern dental practice. If you are considering overdentures, feel free to contact our office to determine if they are the right choice for you.



We can help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of overdentures, the procedure steps, and the costs involved.



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